Breakthrough or Crazy?

What do Peter Diamandis & The Wright Brothers have in common?

Where inside your organization do you encourage and try crazy ideas?

The day before something is truly a Breakthrough … It’s a crazy idea …

I was recently at the Tony Robbins Business Mastery in Las Vegas and we had the good fortune to have Peter Diamandis as a guest speaker. Peter shared some outstanding information and gave us a few great tips on how to create innovative ideas with our teams. Here is my favorite, 5-5-5-5:

Creating 5-5-5-5 Teams
1. Groups 5 people in size (diverse)
2. TBD Budget (e.g. $5K) to experiment
3. 5 weeks to experiment
4. Try 5 ideas

• Looking for Most Exciting Results (Or looking for specific results)
• Failure is Okay – Be audacious – Small ideas won’t get our attention
• The best idea wins, and that team is rewarded
• If any one team succeeds in reaching the target, everyone gets rewarded! (drive collaboration)

“I have not failed. I’ve just found a
thousand ways that don’t work.”
– Thomas Edison

If you are looking for more ways to innovate and stay relevant, let us show you a few quick tricks you can do with your team.

Think Bigger

Create a culture of performance. Cause breakthrough results.


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