Mentoring Trifecta!

Mentoring Trifecta!

Mentoring Trifecta! The Organization, the Mentee & the Mentor… to a create perfect match is no easy feat! But when it happens, you know it… because sparks fly! Being an Entrepreneur is, by definition, is a journey into the unknown. Having someone to...
Id8 and Innov8

Id8 and Innov8

A Mind-Expanding Day with Duncan Wardle, former VP of Disney Innovation & Creativity. One of the latest buzzwords in business is “Innovation”. But what does it really take to be an Innovative Company? We know for sure it’s NOT just pasting the...
HR Technology Disruptions

HR Technology Disruptions

Top 10 HR Technology Disruptions for 2018 Read the Full Report  How can you ready your organization for these Technology  Disruptions? Ask the Experts at Synergy CMC! We’ll get you up to speed and on you’re way, so that your organization stays relevant in...
5 HR & Tech Trends for 2018

5 HR & Tech Trends for 2018

 5 HR & Tech Trends for 2018 In 2017, the human resources industry has done a lot of soul searching about the way culture and performance issues were handled within companies. In 2018, another big internal shift is coming, but this time the focus is on technology:...

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