Good Leaders

Good Leaders

Simon Sinek – TEDTalks May 19, 2014 I heard a story of some Marines who were out in theater, and as is the Marine custom, the officer ate last,and he let his men eat first, and when they were done, there was no food left for him. And when they went back out in...
Reflect, Celebrate and Plan! 

Reflect, Celebrate and Plan! 

  With the Holiday Season rapidly upon us, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of it all. Will you take time to reflect and celebrate your WINS of 2016, and plan you path to a Successful 2017? Micheal Hyatt asked several high achievers what they do...
Big Picture

Big Picture

The Big Picture The Big Picture… No matter what happens, the only thing that really matters are your Dreams and Values. That’s what will take you the distance. When you live in the space where anything is possible, your life can unfold. This is where you...
Breakthrough or Crazy?

Breakthrough or Crazy?

Breakthrough or Crazy? What do Peter Diamandis & The Wright Brothers have in common? Where inside your organization do you encourage and try crazy ideas? The day before something is truly a Breakthrough … It’s a crazy idea … I was recently at the Tony...
If You Can Measure It

If You Can Measure It

If You Can Measure It … You Can Manage It  Powerful metrics that enable leaders to measure and manage cultures. “No matter how far reaching the vision or how brilliant the strategy, neither will be realized if it is not supported by the organisational culture.”...

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