Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom and Responsibility A quote from Seth Godin Which do you want? Freedom is the ability to set your schedule, to decide on the work you do, to make decisions. Responsibility is being held accountable for your actions. It might involve figuring out how to get paid...
“Get Mentors!”

“Get Mentors!”

  #1 Tip in Business: “Get Mentors!” Mentors helped “Start-Up Entrepreneur” create a company worth $250 Million. Alexa von Tobel is a startup founder, a New York Times best-selling author, and a Presidential Ambassador for Global...
Non Profit

Non Profit

Not For Profit Synergy CMC can help your organization with development on all levels. From the very beginning stages of determining which type of non-profit is best suited to your organization (registered or non-registered), to the finite details of structure, plans,...


Facilitating As coaches, consultants and facilitators, we come from a powerful set of generative principles which are rooted in The Extraordinary Technology of Being™. We have learned that the effectiveness of a working community is a reflection of who they are being,...

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