Thank you for your interest. This application is now closed.

To be on the wait-list for other Best Testing please fill out the application below and we will be in touch as soon as a suitable opening becomes available.

Questionnaire for Beta Testers

Thank you for your interest in Beta Testing some of the Synergy CMC coaching products.
Please Note: This is by invitation only. Please DO invite your professional collegues. (Entrepreneurs and Executives).
All the questions are required to determine if you are a suitable candidate, and will take about 15 minutes to complete.
This information is confidential, and will never be shared outside of this administration, your coach or group. It is used solely for the purpose of matching you with a coach or into a group of like-minded peers with similar understandings, so that you have the best possible experience and achieve highest level of success through your coaching with Synergy CMC.
Please check "YES" that you agree and understand that you are applying to be a Beta Tester, and that Synergy CMC is not guaranteeing any specific financial or other results, and that you will not hold Synergy CMC liable for any loss or damages. You also agree to answer addional questionnaires about your experience, so that we can evaluate and enhance our products.
Dive In! You will have an extraordinary experience and learn a lot about yourself and your business.

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