
As coaches, consultants and facilitators, we come from a powerful set of generative principles which are rooted in The Extraordinary Technology of Being™. We have learned that the effectiveness of a working community is a reflection of who they are being, both as individuals and collectively.

We can facilitate our programs and workshops, as well as YOUR programs.

Our principles have the power to transform and re-shape organizational culture as well as to empower individuals to make a difference.

Generative Principles include:

1. The Power of Personal Responsibility
2. Holistic Co-Creation
3. Causing the Future – NOW
4. Discontinuous Events (Breakthroughs)

Methods we use include:

• Interactive dialogue
• Awareness training exercises
• Dyadic inquiry
• Principles of Creative Coaching™
• Coherent Catalytic Actions (to begin the implementation of new practices from key insights)

All our methods are aimed at allowing participants to reveal their own natural inspiration and creativity; and to identify how they will practically bring that new power to bear in their work.
Our methods are tools for powerful and profound innovation. They’re for shaping the way we constitute ourselves and our workplace – the way we are being at work.


Common outcomes include:
• A vision of power and possibility.
• People in your organization taking responsibility for the fulfilment of the vision.
• A work environment where fun, joy and play occur naturally.
• Associates that are inspired by each other’s greatness.
• Teams that inspire creativity, empowerment and outstanding performance.
• An organization renowned for customer service.
• Unprecedented results.
*Outcomes from this approach are often staggering.


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